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Statutory Information
The tables below will assist with finding Key Information on our website.
School Contact Details | Where this information can be found on the website |
School name | |
Postal address | |
Telephone number | |
Name of person who deals with queries from parents and the public | Contact us on the office e-mail or via the Contact page here |
Name of the Headteacher | Mr Stephen Whittle |
Name and details of the Special Educational Needs | Mr James Chinery |
The school’s owner is a group or organisation: Address and telephone number of its office | Impact Multi Academy Trust |
The following details for the trust:
| All on the Impact Multi Academy Trust page here |
Policies and other information | Where this information can be found on the website |
Behaviour policy, including anti-bullying strategy | The policy can be found here |
Statement of values and ethos | This can be found here on the Vision, Ethos and Values page |
Charging and Remissions policy | This policy is a Trust policy and can be found here in the Finance policies section of the Trust website |
Complaints policy (including any arrangements for handling complaints from parents of children with special educational needs (SEN) about the support provided by the school) | The Trust policy and can be found here in the Governance & Complaints policies section of the Trust website The School Complaints policy can be found here |
Whistle-blowing policy | This policy is a Trust policy and can be found here in the HR policies section of the Trust website |
The most recent Ofsted report | This report can be viewed here or on the Ofsted website here |
School opening and closing times, including:
| This information can be found here |
Equality objectives | Our Equalities Objectives can be found here |
Details of how we comply with the public sector equality duty | This information can be found here |
The link to the school and college performance measures website and our school’s performance measures page | The link to the school and college performance measures website is here Our data performance page can be accessed here |
Details of the amount of time off taken by staff who are union officials to carry out their union duties | Staff have not needed to take any time off to carry out union duties. Should this change it will be updated on this page |
Gender pay gap information | This document can be found on the Trust website here. |
A modern slavery act statement | This document is available here on the Trust website. |
A written statement of the relationships and sex education (RSE) policy | The school RSE Policy/Statement can be accessed here |
Uniform Information | Information can be found here on the Uniform page |
Special Educational Needs (SEN) Information Report | Where this information can be found on the website |
The SEN information specified in Schedule 1 of the Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations 2014 | The latest report can be found here |
Information as to:
| This information is within the SEN Information report as follows:
The accessibility plan | The plan can be found here |
Curriculum | Where this information can be found on the website |
For each academic year, the content of the curriculum for each subject | Curriculum Information can be found here with more detailed information on individual subjects here |
The school’s approach to the curriculum | The approach to the curriculum is here |
Details of how someone can find out more about our curriculum | For further details on the curriculum please contact the appropriate Head of Faculty, details here |
Details of our remote learning provision | This information is available here |
Key Stage 4 (KS4): a list of courses available to pupils, including GCSEs | GCSE course information is available from here |
Post-16: the 16 to 19 qualifications offered and how you meet the 16 to 19 study programme requirements | Post 16 course information is available here |
Admissions | Where this information can be found on the website |
The school’s admission arrangements (published for the whole of the school year in which offers for places are made) | Admissions arrangements information including policies can be found on the admissions page here |
Appeals timetable (published by 28 February each year) | The Appeals timetable will be published here when required. |
Oversubscription criteria (including the order in which they will be applied) | This information can be found in the admissions policy here |
How we deal with in-year applications from 1 September to the following 31 August (publish by 31 August) | In year Admissions arrangements information can be found on the admissions page here |
During any consultation on changes to admission arrangements (where applicable):
| There are currently no admissions consultations in progress As and when there are, this information will be available in the Key Information section of the Trust website here under ‘Consultations’ |
Pupil Premium and Recovery Premium Strategy Statement | Where this information can be found on the website |
Pupil premium strategy statement by 31 December each school year | All this information can be found here |
The impact of the previous year’s expenditure | |
Amount of pupil premium allocation for the current year | |
A summary of the main barriers to achievement faced by eligible pupils at the school | |
How the grant addresses those barriers and the reasoning for that approach | |
How the impact will be measured | |
The date of the next review of the pupil premium strategy |
Covid-19 Recovery Funding | Where this information can be found on the website |
How the school plans to spend the grant | The document can be found here |
How the school will assess the impact of the grant on pupils’ educational attainment | The document can be found here |
16-19 Tuition & Bursary Funding | The document can be found here |
Careers Programme information (Years 7-13 Only) | Where this information can be found on the website |
The name, email address and telephone number of the careers leader | Contact details for the Careers Lead can be found here |
A summary of the careers programme, including details of how pupils, parents, teachers and employers may access information about the careers programme | All this information can be found here on the Careers Page |
Details of how the school measures and assesses the impact of the careers programme on pupils | |
The date of the next review of the information published | |
Baker Clause policy statement |
KS4 Performance Data | Where this information can be found on the website |
Progress 8 score | All this information can be found here and on the DFE page here |
Attainment 8 score | |
% of pupils achieving a grade 5 or above in GCSE English and maths | |
% of pupils entering the English Baccalaureate (EBacc) | |
% of pupils staying in education or employment after KS4 |
KS5 Performance Data | Where this information can be found on the website |
The following performance measures from the school’s 16 to 18 performance measures page:
| Attainment and Retention information can be found here Destinations information is available here |
Governance and Financial Information | Where this information can be found on the website |
The structure and remit of the members, board of trustees, its committees and local governing bodies (the trust’s scheme of delegation), and the full names of the chair of each | Trustees information is all published on the Trust website here The Scheme of Delegation is available on the Trust website in the Governance Information section here |
Current memorandum of association | Is available on the Trust website in the Governance Information section here |
Articles of association | Is available on the Trust website in the Governance Information section here |
Funding agreement | Is available on the Trust website in the Financial Information section here |
Annual audited accounts (at least 2 years' worth of accounts should remain on the Trust website) | Is available on the Trust website in the Financial Information section here |
Annual report | Is available on the Trust website in the Financial Information section here |
Register of interests for the accounting officer | This is available on the Trustees Page on the Trust website here |
Notice to improve (previously financial notice to improve) (if issued with one from the ESFA) | N/A |
The amount paid by the trust for someone’s work who has an off-payroll arrangement, where the payment exceeds £100,000 | The Trust has no off-payroll arrangements that exceed £100,000. |
Number of employees (and payees with off-payroll arrangements) whose gross annual salary and benefits exceed £100k, in £10k bandings, for the previous year that ended on 31 August | Is available on the Trust website in the Financial Information section here |
Details for local Governors, Trustees and Members | Where this information can be found on the website |
Full name | Trustee & Member information is on the Trust website here Information on the School’s Governing Body is available here |
Term of office | |
Date of appointment | |
Date they stepped down (where applicable) | |
Who appointed them | |
Register of business and pecuniary interests, including governance roles in other educational institutions | |
Attendance record at governing board or local governing body, and committee or sub-committee meetings over the last academic year |