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Staff, Tutors and Houses

Tutorial Staff

The Head of Year has the main responsibility for overseeing your child’s education and wellbeing. They will welcome contact with you. On routine matters your first point of contact, either by telephone or email, is your child’s Form Tutor. We recognise that in a busy school the Tutor may not be immediately available, in which case please establish with the School Reception when they will be free.

Please remember that tutors/teachers will not be available during tutor/lesson times and when undertaking break and lunch duties, therefore email is the best way to contact them.

Senior Staff

Senior staff are willing to talk to parents/carers by appointment, please refer to the key contacts page for their details.

Form Tutors

The form unit remains constant throughout the first four years (year 7-10) regardless of teaching class and option groupings in years 10 and 11. Your child’s tutor meets their form group on a daily basis and this time is spent reading, discussing current events and other topical activities. Through this regular contact the tutor becomes the person who knows your child the most thoroughly.

In Year 11, we use some tutor group times as 'PiXL groups' where students are arranged into groups, with a subject expert, to focus on an area of need for their upcoming GCSE exams.

Please make a note of your child’s Form Tutor and Form Group.

House System

The house system and their Greek names (Gamma, Kappa, Lambda, and Sigma) can be traced back to 1972. In recent years, student consultation told us that they liked and valued these 'traditional' names and so they have stayed!  

The house system is a way to further embed and celebrate our students' academic, creative, sporting and social action achievements.

During the year there are inter-house competitions and festivals, social action drives and wellbeing activities. 

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